Friday, August 16, 2013

Who Kidnapped Who?

Generally, kidnaping occurs when a person, without lawful authority, physically asports (i.e., moves) another person without that other person's consent, with the intent to use the abduction in connection with some other nefarious objective. Under the Model Penal Code (a set of exemplary criminal rules fashioned by the American Law Institute), kidnapping occurs when any person is unlawfully and non-consensually asported and held for certain purposes. These purposes include gaining a ransom or reward; facilitating the commission of a felony or a flight after the commission of a felony; terrorizing or inflicting bodily injury on the victim or a third person; and interfering with a governmental or political function (Model Penal Code § 212.1).

What is the Function of the Governmental department of Family and Children’s Child Protection Service?    To protect Children from abuse.

So Who is Guilty of Kidnapping Anthony and Francisco Cortes?  Before you answer take a look at the facts.

On Dec. 18 2006  this Detention report and petitions was file in San Diego County Juvenile Courts at 2851 Meadow Lark Dr  San Diego, CA 92123, United States. If one takes Notices the legal History states Parental rights Terminated, Non reunification ordered, and many other orders.

The report also claims I was on the lamb which would have meant I had kidnapped  both my children from Texas.
Along with this false detention report and FAKE legal history this FAKE Psychological was submitted. Fake because Betsy Prince Does not have a Psychology Licenses nor ever has.
On top of her grammar being almost as bad as mine, with her weaving back and forth from first person and second person, one can see she is not only VERY racist but in fact,  the one who is “crazy” and “delusional”. Any one who thinks this illegal behavior is except-able and has the audacity to type it up as a legit emit evaluation and submit it into a court with this type of HATE CRIME spelled out in it has gotta be “crazy” especially with out any Psychology licenses.  The fact she references my skin color then  states my most obvious delusion is about being American, when I was/ am  an American and states I was over weight when I was on the line of being unhealthy from lack of body mass shows (at that time), she is in fact the one with a mental condition with the inability to determine normal social bounties or has any sense of reality.

Notice I have the same little boys shirt on.
Tony size small, Paco Medium, Me Large in little boys.

 She claims I gave my answers on the IQ test first in Spanish then translated to English. This also shows her inability to stay grounded in reality. Betsy Prince Showed me a Nopal Cactus, which is  standard procedure during an IQ test. I responded with Nopal. She then ask for it in English ,which made me think it was n’t called that in English so I said “wait, wait I know it is on the tip of my tongue , a  cactus”  That was the closes thing to me answering or even speaking to her in Spanish. The Fact that the Picture that she showed me was in fact a Nopal (in English), just the specific type of Cactus shows how stupid she is. The fact one would use that to claim I am not American is RACIST. That makes this a 11 year long HATE CRIME that continues to be used against  me to violate my Children's and my Civil Rights STILL TO THIS DAY.

Nopal is a specific type Opuntia ficus-indica  which is a species of cactus.

Notice it is called Nopal Cactus and it is English!

Why or How  I  did I become evaluated by this UNLICENSED Psychologist?

I was ordered to by Carroll County CPS in 2002, because they heard thru the grape line I was talking about things I shouldn't be talking about or reported something rather and they were afraid I might report more.
Every body remembers this speech and how it was followed with If you feel you might know anything.

Well, Stupid me thought I'd better tell what I knew, but at the same time was petrified I would be treated like John Walker. So I called the 1800 number that was set up for any Information. I decided I would just tell about how their is a guy who  makes fake green cards and  how I knew he makes fake green cards for Middle Easterns because a few are managers at a poultry plant using fake green cards. People used to meet the contact at a Baker Hotel in the mid 1990s til the hotel was condemned where you leave money and two Passport photos and on a few days you went their to pick it up. I can't tell you how I know he still makes green cards or how I know he made them for people I feel are connected to 911 and I hung. I used a phone in another town using a fake accent.
That was just a few days after 911. Then about a year later CNN and other media outlets showed about the  guy arrested for aiding terrorist's with his  wife crying pleading for charges to be dropped or lessened. She was saying he had no Idea the men were terrorist he "just made green cards" so people can work and send money home to feed their families. I felt horrible I cried because I too had/ have mixed feelings. On one hand I have seen how pitiful the lives are for these immigrants  in their homeland and depend on the dollars sent home, but I had suddenly realized how dangerous it is not knowing who people really are. I started seeing how Immigrants would do bad things then go to another state with a knew green card too.
I felt so bad a told a white lady how I reported this and now feel sick. The lady was hateful, as if I was this God awful person for doing this to this family. That's when I was sent to Betsy Prince for an Evaluation.

WHY would the whole town be pissed I reported the guy who made fake Green cards?

Let me explain who my husband is. My husband is Primitivo Cortes Cruz. Primitivo (Primo) brothers  and cousins Martinez Escamilla brothers are human traffickers who supplies labors to Builders. Their main customers subcontract with Cousin Properties.  
 Alan Prince is Cousin Properties  high class attorney also  Alan Prince is the in law of Betsy Prince.
The owner of the Psychotherapy company and building use to extract information to be manipulated,and twisted in this FAKE Psychological, is Fred Richards. Fred Richards is the father of the Cheif of police in Carrollton Ga. If you click on Fred Richards name you will see some his art work from his art gallery. It paints a picture of a very EVIL and maniacal  individual.  Sheriff Deputy Jeff Richards is not only a "receiver"
of labor from these human traffickers but provided Noe Martinez Escamilla and other illegal immigrants Housing on Main street in Whitesburg, Ga.

 Now, that alone proves a motive for the Betsy Prince to Type up this fake Psychological. Even though I Don't have to prove a motive just the fact she did it, I would like to show all you how deep the rabbit hole goes. It has to go REAL deep for San Diego California to jump on this crazy runaway train headed straight toward  BIGGEST R.I.C.O. case in world history.

The original Juvenile Judge was Dan Camp (may he rot in hell) who also was a Real Estate attorney even though in the state of Georgia it is illegal to be a full time Judge and attorney at the same time. He got away with that because the Head Federal Judge was Jack T Camp. Jack T Camp was arrested in 2010 related to guns, drugs and prostitution. Many Suspect the Camp's had Nancy Scheafer killed because she was about to release a documentary and a book about Child Protective Services. Most Know about Her Exposing CPS and her talking about a human trafficker's wife who supplied to the Camp, but very few knew how it ties into 911. It goes way beyond  getting "fake Green Cards  from the same guy"

 THE  SAN DIEGO CONNECTION,  discovered by congressional investigators, stunned some top counterterrorism officials and raised  concerns about the information-sharing among U.S. law-enforcement and intelligence agencies. The two hijackers, Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi, were hardly unknown to the intelligence community. The CIA was first alerted to them in January 2000, when the two Saudi nationals showed up at a Qaeda “summit” in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. FBI officials have argued internally for months that if the CIA had more quickly passed along everything it knew about the two men, the bureau could have hunted them down more aggressively.  But both agencies can share in the blame. Upon leaving Malaysia, Almihdhar and Alhazmi went to San Diego, where they took flight-school lessons. In September 2000, the two moved into the home of a Muslim man who had befriended them at the local Islamic Center. The landlord regularly prayed with them and even helped one open a bank account. He was also, sources tell NEWSWEEK, a “tested” undercover “asset” who had been working closely with the FBI office in San Diego on terrorism cases related to Hamas. A senior law-enforcement official told NEWSWEEK the informant never provided the bureau with the names of his two houseguests from Saudi Arabia. Nor does the FBI have any reason to believe the informant was concealing their identities. (He could not be reached for comment.) But the FBI concedes that a San Diego case agent appears to have been at least aware that Saudi visitors were renting rooms in the informant’s house. (On one occasion, a source says, the case agent called up the informant and was told he couldn’t talk because “Khalid”—a reference to Almihdhar—was in the room.) I. C. Smith, a former top FBI counterintelligence official, says the case agent should have been keeping closer tabs on who his informant was fraternizing with—if only to seek out the houseguests as possible informants. “They should have been asking, ‘Who are these guys? What are they doing here?’ This strikes me as a lack of investigative curiosity.” About six weeks after moving into the house, Almihdhar left town, explaining to the landlord he was heading back to Saudi Arabia to see his daughter. Alhazmi moved out at the end of 2000.

        In the meantime, the CIA was gathering more information about just how potentially dangerous both men were. A few months after the October 2000 bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen, CIA analysts discovered —in their Malaysia file that one of the chief suspects in the Cole attack— Tawfiq bin Attash—was present at the “summit” and had been photographed with Almihdhar and Alhazmi. But it wasn’t until Aug. 23, 2001, that the CIA sent out an urgent cable to U.S. border and law-enforcement agencies identifying the two men as “possible” terrorists. By then it was too late. The bureau did not realize the San Diego connection until a few days after 9-11, when the informant heard the names of the Pentagon hijackers and called his case agent. “I know those guys,” the informant purportedly said, referring to Almihdhar and Alhazmi. “They were my roommates.”
        But the belated discovery  unsettled some members of the joint House and Senate intelligence committees that investigated the 9-11 attacks. A 911 commission Report was done and it states the best chance to deter the 911 plot was in San Diego. In other words Bill Gore screwed up big time, This was bigger than his screw up at Ruby Ridge and WACO. Now, Bill Gore is San Diego Sheriff  and his department has committed many felonies to Cover  up this inside 911 information and what all has been done to Celeste and her children in order to cover it up. Bill Gore is well know for covering up shit. In fact Bill Gore has made national news with his covering up Rebecca Zahau's murder by her live in boyfriend Medicis Pharmaceutical  CEO Jonah Shackni.  Now every body knows that Drugging foster children is BIG Business for the Pharmaceutical Company and every body  else involved  gets Kickbacks. The Pharmaceutical Company makes it worth authorities, and Government employees and officials wild for allowing this to go on.

If you have read all this and have watched all these Documentary you can Understand WHY I was sent to Betsy Prince. So she could extract information to Manipulate, and twist in to a FAKE Psychological to have me Adjudicated "crazy" and Incompetent, after they heard I report the "green Card maker".
And why fake Texas court documents were made and submitted to court that said I had been adjudicated "crazy" and "Delusional".
That I had Kidnapped my children after custody had been permanently terminated, with non reunification
and much more BULLSHIT!   
WHEN IN FACT this FAKE Psychological and allegation was fount 
"NON-SUIT_IN_ITS_ENTIRITY"  by the State of Texas!
Meaning it is BULLSHIT a Conspiracy!

Because Bill Gore and everybody else involved does not want you to know all this.
In fact I am a fugitive and by oldest son has escaped. Francisco is dying from horrific abuse. 
His thyroid has felled and His liver is in and out of feller from massive force fed illegal mind altering drugs from 10 years to 15. (Notice they blame Wilson disease)
But in a fax to the Mexican Government that now protect Francisco from these Bastards Notice No treatment for Wilson disease.If Wilson disease caused this sever damage in 2008 believe you me he would be dead by now. There has NEVER been a case of ANYONE getting CURED of Wilson Disease.  So why doesn't he have it now? or is San Diego admitting to Mexico of NOT treating him for a VERY FATAL disease? The CPS Doctor had to admit he was in liver feller because he was dying on the drugs and had to come off immediately or would die in a few months or weeks but he blamed it on Wilson disease to cover their asses.

Francisco has 80 degree Kyphosis from being starved til ricket and being put in 3ft by 2ft boxes for days.

Force to steal out of the garbage when no one was looking for years just to survive DEFORMED but a live!

There is much more to this story so go read more of my blogs. My grammar and writing skills are poor but 
I hope you can understand by story because America needs to Know so we can put a stop to this MESS!

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